September 13, 2011

Geology of the Desert Southwest

Geology of the Desert Southwest, the second book in a series of children's activity books I illustrated for Nomad Press has just been released. I have placed a few images from the book above. You can get a look inside the book at Amazon where the books is available for purchase. You can also purchase the book directly through the publisher at the Nomad Press website.

Click here for info and sneak peak on Geology of the Pacific Northwest the previous book in the series also illustrated by yours truly.

June 14, 2011

T-Shirt Design

Decided to Post a T-shirt Design I did a few months ago for the Residence Life department at my alma mater Southwestern University. The top image is the back and the bottom is the front pocket. The gray background is simply a mock t-shirt color. Enjoy!

DartMouse Logo Round 2

A few Months ago DartMouse asked me to do a follow up logo for them. Here it is.

June 1, 2011

Geology of the Pacific Northwest

Above are a few illustrations from Geology of the Pacific Northwest a book I illustrated. For the past couple months I have been illustrating a series of activity books for Nomad Press geared towards young readers (9-12 years old) each book focuses in on a different region of the country. The first book Geology of the Pacific Northwest was just released for purchase and is featured on the Nomad Press website, click here for purchase info and sneak peek inside the book to see how it all turned out.

You can also get a inside look and purchase the book through Amazon.

T-Shirt Design

Here is a T-shirt Design I finished recently for a youth tennis tournament down in Florida. I am really happy with the way this design turned out. The design was all done in Illustrator which I don't use as often as I would like to and was a nice change of pace. Enjoy!

February 28, 2011

World Cup Soccer A couple Months Late

So, it's the last day of February and I realized I haven't made a post in over a month. I been working on several different projects, unfortunately I can't show those images right now due to copyright reasons. So, I dug into the old Sketch book to see what I could find and low and behold I found this sketch I did for my Paraguayan foreign exchange brother during the World Cup this past Summer. Hope you like it.

I will try to be better about posting this next month.

January 18, 2011


Here is a one pager I did back in August for the third volume of Werewolf, an anthology. Hope you like it.

January 13, 2011

Rehearsal Dinner Invitation

I also designed the rehearsal dinner invitation for our wedding. The event was a boots and blazers dress event with a poker tournament following dinner. So, I wanted to come up with a design that embodied the spirit of the theme in a fun manner. Hope you enjoy.

6 Piece Wedding Invitation Set

Here is the six piece wedding invitation set I designed and we used for our wedding. The printed version look even better on the paper we chose. I will have to get some pictures up later. The Save the Date, Invitation and Brunch were all sized at 5 by 7. The RSVP and thank you cards were 4 by 5 and the Program was 4 by 10. All material copyright Eric Baker 2010. Hope you enjoy.

January 10, 2011

A Wedding Gift for my Wife

This cowboy illustration was part of my wedding gift to my wife. I love you Honey!

Rowdy Rail, Aboard the H.M.S. Challenger!

Here is the cover and couple colored pages from various sections of my 2010 thesis project for the Center for Cartoon Studies. Hopefully, now that my chaotic summer and fall have come to close I can start working on this project again. I don't know why I didn't post these sooner. I hope you enjoy.

Back in the Saddle for More Cowboy Illustrations

Hey Pardner's it's been awhile since my last post. Hopefully this mega post will help make up for my absence. Here is a series of cowboys I promised a zillion days ago. Each one of these illustrations was done as a gift for some of my best friends who served as groomsmen and ushers in my wedding this past October. Thanks guys!!

Each one of these cowboys is a caricature of that persons personality. I had a lot of fun with these they were a sort of genre exercise in persona. Hope you like them.